Peeling Flesh, Snuffed On Sight, Corpse Pile

Peeling Flesh, Snuffed On Sight, Corpse Pile, Two Piece, Slime

Wed. 9/4/24

7:30 PM


Peeling Flesh: Emerging from the depths of the underground death metal scene, Peeling Flesh unleashes a relentless onslaught of brutality. Formed in the dark alleys of the Midwest, this band's sound is a cacophony of guttural vocals, blistering riffs, and pulverizing drums. With releases like "Excoriate the Abhorrent" and "Dismembered Remnants," Peeling Flesh embodies the raw essence of old-school death metal, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Snuffed On Sight: Hailing from the seedy underbelly of the urban landscape, Snuffed On Sight is a ferocious entity in the realm of grindcore. Born out of chaos and aggression, this band's sound is a sonic assault of blistering speed, pulverizing blasts, and uncompromising intensity. With releases like "Grinding the Masses" and "Carnage Unleashed," Snuffed On Sight spares no one in their relentless quest to decimate eardrums and obliterate boundaries. Corpse Pile: From the depths of the crypt, Corpse Pile rises to deliver a putrid onslaught of brutal death metal. Formed in the unhallowed grounds of the underground, this band's sound is a visceral blend of crushing riffs, guttural growls, and relentless aggression. With releases like "Cadaveric Contagion" and "Tomb of Putrescence," Corpse Pile immerses listeners in a world of decay and morbidity, leaving them gasping for breath in the wake of their sonic devastation. Two Piece: Hailing from the outskirts of the music scene, Two Piece defies convention with their minimalist approach to noise rock. Consisting of just a guitarist and a drummer, this duo strips music down to its rawest form, delivering a primal barrage of distortion, feedback, and pounding rhythms. With releases like "Sonic Assault" and "Minimalist Mayhem," Two Piece proves that less is indeed more, captivating audiences with their raw energy and unbridled creativity. Slime: Emerging from the murky depths of the underground punk scene, Slime is a relentless force of sonic aggression. With a sound that's as filthy as it is ferocious, this band delivers a blistering assault of distorted guitars, pounding drums, and venomous vocals. With releases like "Toxic Waste" and "Filth and Fury," Slime embodies the spirit of rebellion and chaos, leaving audiences enraptured by their raw intensity and unapologetic attitude.