Morbid Angel, Suffocation, UADA, Mortiferum, Fulci, Knoll

Morbid Angel, Suffocation, UADA, Mortiferum, Fulci, Knoll

Fri. 11/29/24

6:00 PM

All ages

Morbid Angel: Originating from Tampa, Florida, Morbid Angel is a seminal death metal band formed in 1983. With their groundbreaking albums like "Altars of Madness" and "Blessed Are the Sick," Morbid Angel helped define the death metal genre with their ferocious intensity, intricate compositions, and occult themes. Led by guitarist Trey Azagthoth, Morbid Angel's influential sound has left an indelible mark on the extreme metal landscape, inspiring countless bands worldwide. Suffocation: Hailing from New York, Suffocation is one of the most influential bands in the brutal death metal genre. Formed in 1988, Suffocation pioneered a style characterized by guttural vocals, intricate guitar riffing, and relentless aggression. Albums like "Effigy of the Forgotten" and "Pierced from Within" are considered classics of the genre, showcasing Suffocation's technical prowess and uncompromising brutality. UADA: UADA is a black metal band hailing from Portland, Oregon, known for their atmospheric and melodic approach to the genre. Formed in 2014, UADA has quickly gained acclaim for their haunting melodies, evocative lyrics, and dynamic songwriting. With albums like "Devoid of Light" and "Cult of a Dying Sun," UADA has established themselves as one of the most promising acts in the contemporary black metal scene. Mortiferum: Mortiferum is a death-doom metal band from Olympia, Washington, formed in 2016. Drawing inspiration from classic death metal and funeral doom, Mortiferum's music is characterized by its crushing heaviness, mournful melodies, and ominous atmosphere. With their debut album "Disgorged from Psychotic Depths," Mortiferum has garnered attention for their devastating sound and uncompromising approach to extreme metal. Fulci: Fulci is a death metal band from Italy, named after the famous horror film director Lucio Fulci. Formed in 2013, Fulci pays homage to the horror genre with their gruesome lyrics and old-school death metal sound. Drawing inspiration from classic horror films, Fulci's music is filled with brutal riffs, guttural vocals, and eerie atmospheres, capturing the essence of the macabre on record and stage. Knoll: Knoll is a post-metal band from Los Angeles, California, formed in 2015. Combining elements of post-rock, sludge metal, and shoegaze, Knoll creates expansive, atmospheric soundscapes characterized by their shimmering guitars, heavy rhythms, and emotive melodies. With their debut album "Interstice," Knoll has garnered praise for their dynamic songwriting and immersive sonic textures, marking them as a band to watch in the realm of experimental metal.